How to use template

Written by
Greg Toth
Last updated:
January 14, 2024

Template example step-by-step

In this section, we will demonstrate how to use a template with an example.

Example situation

As a marketing intern, I was assigned the task of writing a blog post about sustainability in film production. I also needed to make a Twitter post from the blog post.

First: select the right language on the top right.

To start the blog, choose the best-suited template for your work, in this case: Blogging.

You can find three Templates in the Blogging column: Blog Outline, Blog Post from Outline and Entire Blog Post. In this tutorial, we will focus only on Blog Outline and Blog Post from Outline.

So let's start with Blog Outline, this is going to give us the structure of the Blog.

Let's put Film to the topic, and the focus of the article should be Sustainability in production.

Note: If you don't like the generated Blog Outline, you can generate a new one, it's going to give you a new Result.

Now we have the Blog Outline, which is a great structure, we can definitely create a blog post from this Outline. Simply copy the Result, switch to the Blog Post from Outline template, and paste the Outline result into the input section.

Hit Generate, and Molin will start writing.


Sustainability in Film Production: What It Is and Why It Matters

When we talk about sustainability in film production, we are referring to the use of practices that reduce the impact of a project’s activities on the environment. This can include using recycled materials, more efficient production processes and equipment, minimizing waste, using renewable resources where possible, and minimizing water and energy consumption.

The Benefits of Sustainable Practices in Film Production

Using sustainable practices can have many benefits for filmmakers. Not only do they help reduce their environmental impact, but they also tend to save money as well. In addition, sustainable practices are often seen as being more ethical by many people who work in the industry and by viewers or audiences.

The Impact Sustainable Practices Can Have on the Industry As a Whole

Sustainable practices are becoming increasingly important for filmmakers around the world. The use of sustainable filmmaking techniques has been gradually increasing over recent years thanks to initiatives such as the UN Environment Programme’s Green Screen Awards which recognize films that adhere to environmental standards set out by a jury panel. Additionally, it has been estimated that over 50% of productions now incorporate some form of sustainability into their planning and filming processes – showing just how much momentum this movement is gaining.  

Popular Examples of Sustainable Filmmaking

One popular example is Disney’s “Frozen II” which was filmed using 100% renewable electricity from hydroelectric sources and achieved carbon neutrality with offsetting credits from wind farms. Another example is Netflix's shoot for “Cobra Kai” which saw them implementing sustainability measures such as fuel-efficient vehicles on set, reusable water bottles instead of plastic ones and natural light whenever possible to reduce electricity usage during filming days. Additionally, Netflix recently announced plans to move away from single-use plastics across its whole production process by 2021 – another great example of how sustainability is becoming an increasingly important part of modern films being made today!

Tips for Beginning Filmmakers Looking To Adopt Sustainable Practices

If you are just starting out as a filmmaker looking to adopt sustainable practices then there are some simple steps you can take to get started:

• Start small – focus on one aspect at a time rather than taking on too much at once;

• Make sure you do your research so you know what type of actions will have the most positive impact;  

• Utilize online resources such as websites or blogs dedicated solely to film production sustainability;

• Communicate with other members of your team about why these sustainable initiatives are important;

• Speak up if anyone is doing something unsustainable;

• Reuse props or materials wherever possible instead of discarding them after each shoot; &

• Donate any unused items or supplies rather than throwing them away when no longer needed. Doing this will help minimize waste being created during each project!  

Taking these steps into consideration when beginning your filmmaking journey will put you well on your way towards creating content that not only entertains but also helps protect our planet same time!

It's that simple, and your blog is done in no time!

Paste this text into the Twitter Thread Template and specify the tone of the text.

Your blog and Twitter posts are ready! :)

In the next course, we will show you, how to use the Document Editor.

Greg Toth

Head of Marketing
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