Does Molin create plagiarised content?

Written by
Ben Toth
Last updated:
January 14, 2024

Is it plagiarism? – We get that question a lot.

Simply: NO!

What is plagiarism?
Writing original and unique content is important for any academic, business, or creative project. Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work without giving them credit. It can have serious consequences, from being expelled from school to having your work rejected for publication. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that your work is always original and never plagiarized.

Molin is designed to generate unique, original content for any form of creative writing. By using natural language processing and deep learning techniques, Molin is able to create texts with a high level of readability, accuracy, and naturalness in a fraction of the time.

That said, we recommend using a plagiarism checker on your Molin generations just to make sure that the content is original.

Ben Toth

CEO & Co-founder
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