How Molin Educated Visitors, Generated $7.8K in New Revenue, and Saved $7.9K for

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Challenge: Sex sells… says the saying, but in reality selling anything that is related to pleasure and sexual intimacy is challenging. Customers prefer discretion and most of them are afraid of talking about their sexuality, let alone purchase things tied to that. Such a sensitive subject requires absolute discretion, care and attention from the sales and customer service side. 

Solution: Molin is the most discrete customer service partner there is. Not only does he have no bias towards any customer requests, he can understand specific needs and recommend products that would bring the most satisfaction to the customer. Molin is also familiar with sex positivity and sexual education, so customers can also interact with him to get advice around sensitive topics.

Results: With Molin, our partner was able to generate $5.7k more sales through Molin coupons and $2.1k more through in-chat interaction, while paying less than a thousand bucks to work with Molin for a year. Also an ever increasing number of people clicked through checkout links, totaling in more than 17k additional click throughs from the Molin chat. Chat instances have increased to 4.2k with an average length of 7 messages exchanged, saving our partner more than 875 hours and $7.8k! If we are talking about high ROI investments, this is one.

The Challenge:, one of the leading Hungarian e-commerce sites specialising in products related to the bedroom experience has experienced rapid growth in the last few years. They achieved this by prioritising customer discretion above all, while creating a safe and inclusive environment through advocating for sex positivity and providing SexEd content.

Despite all these efforts, it is still very hard to keep up this high level of intimacy when scaling so rapidly. So the leadership of the online retailer decided to look into alternatives to help with sales and customer service. That’s when they found out about Molin and decided to give it a go. It is safe to say that they made a good bet, as the results in the first 8 months were mind-blowing.

The Solution:

After assessing all their needs, decided to sign up for a Scale plan with Molin. This way they can make the most out of the collaboration. Molin can aid with Sales, customer support and education, all proven to be high ROI areas for the company. 

  1. ran sales campaigns through Molin with staggering results.
  1. From the get go, Molin set out to answer all product related questions by understanding context and recommending the best possible product from the vast catalogue of, which currently sits at more than 10k SKUs.
  1. Since we started working together, Molin answered more than 109 8-hour working days worth of messages faster than any customer service representative ever could.
  1. A weird thing happens when people talk to an AI: they become more outspoken, more communicative, which is very helpful in customer care around such a sensitive topic as sexuality. So Molin boosted customer satisfaction and trust by becoming an all-knowing partner even for the most intimate customer conversations.
  1. Molin also has trained on a vast database of sex-ed content (not the Netflix series), so he can provide you tips and tricks for your time under the sheets…
  1. By all this, Molin has significantly improved brand loyalty amongst customers, while resolving 118 purchase related issues with zero cancellations.

The Results:

By the employment of Molin, made more than $15.7k, by generating  $7.8k in new sales and saving $7.9k in customer service costs. Let’s break it down!

The retailer ran a very successful campaign through Molin using a “10% OFF” coupon code tracking its effectiveness. The campaign resulted in 121 new sales orders with an extra $5,761 of revenues, this means an average ~$47 order value. 

Molin's in-chat recommendation engine identifies the perfect product for a customer's specific needs from’s large catalog and sends them the product link at the best time, when they are most engaged. The number of in-chat click throughs have ramped up exponentially in the last 8 months, topping out around 4.6k clicks per month as of september, and it is expected to grow further next month [DISCLAIMER: these links are not only product pages though, there are some educational contents and order tracking links in there as well, see later]:

Total clicks since inception amount to 17.2k! Via these click throughs, realised an additional $2k of revenue via 28 new purchases. This means in-chat conversion is around 0.16% on average, but it continues to improve month over month. What is important, that these orders are really high value, resulting in around ~$71.87 of average basket value.

When it comes to Molin serving customers, he does it like no one else. Since February, Molin was engaged in 4,199 chat instances, exchanging 26,266 messages (that's around 7 messages per chat on average). This saved more than 875 hours of customer service hours and almost $7.9k in related costs. He did this all with instant response time. Try doing that! 

Another important aspect of his work is issue resolution around order statuses. Molin successfully managed 118 order status resolutions with not a single instance of cancellations so far. 

We asked some questions around the experience with customer care provided by Molin from the company as well:

Q: Have you ever tried live chatting with customers before?
A: “We tried live chat once, but unfortunately, it overloaded customer service (the questions weren't necessarily related to the products), so it was turned off. Therefore, live chat wasn't an option for us before, only a chatbot like Molin could help us out.”
Q: We see that you have a relationship test that people can take on your site. Have more people taken the test since the introduction of Molin?
: We use these tests as part of our campaigns and it is difficult to measure how these tests do before and after Molin.
Q: Have you seen any indication of customers getting more intimate with Molin compared to a real person?
A: There are definitely instances where customers go an extra mile talking with Molin about sensitive topics or when seeking reassurance about things like condom and lubricant use for example. We cannot define a specific age group, but it is definitely prevalent.

Greg Toth

Head of Marketing
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