Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin removal: Here's the best alternative for your webshop

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In January 2024, Meta stopped supporting Guest Mode in the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin without any prior notice. This move shocked many businesses and fired up many complaints as well. The next unforeseen move from Meta was to announce the entire removal of the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin. It will be deprecated on May 9, 2024. This will leave around half a million businesses in trouble, that have been using Meta’s plugin to directly interact with customers on their website. 

Since the phase-out has happened, businesses must find reliable alternatives to ensure communication with customers. Molin stands out among emerging solutions. This blog post discusses why Molin is the best for your online store in the post-Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin world.

How will the removal of the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin affect businesses?

The sudden removal of guest mode put many businesses at risk and stirred up many complaints on Meta’s developer site. Since the guest mode allowed users to communicate with a business without logging in to their Facebook account, its removal was apparent.

The chat plugin that could be embedded in websites enabled businesses to easily chat and provide support for their customers. 

Secondly, the guest mode allowed customers to connect with businesses anonymously, which directly impacted the landscape of online customer-business relationships. This feature was vital for customers who did not want to log in yet wished to interact with brands. 

More specifically, those businesses who’ve been using the plugin were able to build long-term customer connections and get important and actionable customer behavior information. 

With the entire removal of the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin businesses lose a key point of contact that lets them connect with their audience in a personal and immediate way.

Coming to Terms with the Change

While the decision was made to streamline services, it left many businesses feeling abandoned and uncared for by Meta. These developments highlight the need for a chat solution that balances personalization and accessibility.

facebook logo

What’s the best free Facebook Messenger Chat plugin alternative?

As businesses struggle to replace Facebook, Molin offers an easy-to-use alternative with features tailored to e-businesses.  

Here are several reasons why Molin is well-suited to fill the gap left by Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin:

Molin is a conversational AI chatbot specifically designed for e-commerce businesses with social media integration, live chat, and autonomous AI actions.

The AI provides several features for data-driven decision making such as:

  • advanced analytics
  • data tracking capabilities

Additionally, the AI offers seamless integration with other popular webshop platforms, such as: 

Plus, Molin is also strong in data security as it prioritizes user privacy and data security.

AI chat

Now let's explore the extensive set of features that will help your webshop to flourish:

Live chat support

If needed, the AI can transfer live conversations to your human support team making sure that your customers' problems are always solved 100%.

Enhanced Personalization: Your shoppers will feel understood and valued

Molin leverages advanced AI technologies to provide a personalized shopping experience for each user. It analyzes customer data and previous interactions to tailor conversations and recommendations. 

This level of personalization significantly boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and Whatsapp integrations

Molin integrates with all the major communication platforms, so businesses can manage all their conversations in one place.

24/7 Customer Support: No need for human presence

Molin offers 24/7 support through its automated system. This ensures that customer inquiries are addressed at any time of the day. This reduces wait times to 0 and improves service efficiency.

Scale easily in a flexible way that suits your pace

Molin is designed to handle high amounts of requests and data efficiently. While it excels at processing and responding to enormous numbers of queries in real-time, it does not "learn" or "scale" with data like standard machine learning models. It uses a stateless model, allowing it to process each query without relying on previous interactions. 

Leveraging the available data generates accurate and useful responses, especially when the data is broad and well-structured. Chatbot scalability depends on the server design; scalable cloud servers provide system resources to manage increasing workloads. 

Furthermore, any upgrades or changes to Molin's knowledge base require manual implementation. It handles massive volumes of data and queries easily, but data and access affect its results' quality and precision. 

multilingual ai

Broad assistance so you can lean back and relax

Molin provides complex assistance for webshops with the following capabilities:

Customer Queries: Handling a wide range of inquiries, from product specifications to shipping policies, simplifying customer service, and responding quickly.

Product recommendations: Molin can propose various products for upselling, improving revenue by 5–10%.

Multilingual support: The chatbot is available in English, 日本, 中国人, Español, Français, Deutsch, Română, and Magyar to meet the needs of our broad customer base.

Educational Content: Customers will not leave the website in search of new information because the chatbot has generated instructive content about products and shopping-related issues.

Upselling and Cross-Sell: Molin gives personalized product recommendations that may increase basket value. An excellent example is that when someone buys sports shoes, it also recommends other sportswear.

Seamless User Experience

With Molin, the transition from the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin is seamless. The AI chatbot can be customized to match the look and feel of your brand. This gives a consistent user experience that keeps customers engaged. Oh, and did we mention that it significantly reduces bounce rates?

customer satisaction

If you’re still looking for the answer to what you can gain with an AI Chatbot in your webshop, listen.

Artificial intelligence chatbots, such as Molin, have many advantages beyond only taking the place of a dead service in an online store. Here's the deal for you:

Skyrocketing conversions

AI can engage with shoppers in real time and, for sure, increase conversion rates. Provide instant assistance and relevant product recommendations, and nudge customers toward a purchase. This will give an extra push for customers to checkout and pay for selected goods. 

Cut your costs, focus on what matters

Using AI chatbots is a lot more cost-effective than employing a full-time staff for customer service. You can significantly reduce the labor costs associated with 24/7 customer support and have a high return on investment.

Data, data, and more data for the right decision

Molin collects valuable data from interactions with customers. This data can be analyzed to gain insights into:

  • customer preferences
  • behavior patterns
  • overall market trends.

With this, your business strategy can be more focused. Backed up with data without guessing. 

Better Customer Retention

By providing a consistently positive and responsive customer service experience, AI chatbots help build customer loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend your store to others, aiding in long-term customer retention.

"We have tested various chatbot services on the market, and Molin is by far the best of them. It makes it simple for our customers to select from our 9,000+ products while also offering excellent educational value. Consequently, we see that our customer base becomes more loyal to us. "

- Norbert Pörzse, CEO of Vágyaim.hu

Handle High Traffic Volumes with Ease

During peak times, such as sales or holiday seasons, Molin can manage high volumes of inquiries without compromising the quality of interactions. This feature makes sure that every customer feels like they are being cared for, even when demand is high.

AI shopping

Implement Molin in Your Webshop with a Breeze

Creating a Molin chatbot is simple, even for people without programming experience. The user-friendly interface enables you to:

  • easily design your chatbot
  • customize your appearance
  • upload relevant materials such as FAQs
  • generate leads with collection forms, or pop-ups. 

Furthermore, Molin's continuous learning capabilities ensure that the chatbot is up-to-date. This way, you’ll become more competent at answering inquiries from customers and offering relevant insights.


The removal of the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin poses a huge challenge for many businesses. The good news is that it also opens the way to more advanced options, such as Molin. It can increase customer relations, and drive business success.

Embracing this product will not only compensate for the loss of the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin but will also propel your e-business. 

Greg Toth

Head of Marketing
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